NRA Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) Course-Instructor Led Training
NRA Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW) course is for both those who have already gained basic proficiency with pistol safety, component familiarity, handling, operating, (running the gun), basic marksmanship, cleaning and safe firearms handling and storage, as well as those who have no prior experience. CCW will build on this to prepare the student for properly and legally concealing the weapon, legal use of force considerations, and other critical skills and mindset to carry in public for self defense. Prerequisites and/or pre-qualifications are required for this course. This is the NRA CCW course that can be adapted for CCW requirements in all 50 states, but is tailored for Colorado and at times for the specific need and skill sets of the student in each course offering.
This course may be tailored to meet the needs and prior experience of the students. While this course is for both beginner as well as experienced shooters, the student must provide evidence of proficiency either through a pre-qualification or provide proof of prior handgun courses sufficient to qualify for this course. Acceptance of prior training and/or pre-qualification is at the sole discretion of the instructor. This course will cover firearms safety, selecting a concealed carry handgun, correct ammunition types, carry modes and holsters, drawing from concealment, clearing stoppages and malfunctions, important mindset, aftermath of a defensive shooting. Also included will be a discussion of Colorado concealed carry and lethal force laws. The range portion of the course will include application of what was covered in class and the student will a participate in live fire exercises and drills. Range exercises include how to safely and effectively draw a loaded handgun from concealment, engage targets using defensive accuracy, clearing stoppages such as “stove pipes” (failure to eject) and “double feeds” (failure to extract) as well as emergency reloads. A written examination and live fire qualification will be required to pass this course. It is our goal to pass every student, but that is NOT a guarantee. Students that successfully complete the course will be issued a certificate of completion that is acceptable for application for Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit (CHP).
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The location, dates and times of the course will be posted with the course, but is subject to change at any time, due to scheduling conflicts, weather, venue availability or other uncontrollable reason. The classroom and range or practical application portions of the course may be at different times and/or different locations.